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Now, just remember that my working title for this was: DARK ANGEL. I only mention my heroine's dark hair about a thrillion times. I love Alan Kass's illustrations, and begged Hilary Ross for his covers, and still would, if I still wrote Regencies. I love his Christmas collection covers, can't think of a better cover than that for THE DUKE'S WAGER, and love the pictured characters on THE FALSE ANGEL too. I think he is a marvelous illustrator, and can think of few better.

But. Somehow my dark angel came out with red hair. Did you notice? I still do.

I really shouldn't focus on hair color when there's so much going on inside the covers. There's a grand hero for our dark-haired heroine, as well as a pathological liar, cameo walk-ons by characters from some of my previous regencies, and a lost manuscript by William Blake.

It's easy to forget he's a contemporary of the big three: Keats, Byron and Shelly, because he transcends time and era. He's also one of my favorite poets.

I was tickled to be able to introduce his lost manuscript to remind people he also lived then.

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