New York Public Library
Gansevoort/Lansing Collection
Abraham G. Lansing Esqr.

15 Feby 1792 one OClock A.M.

Dear Brother

The xx of Rum arrived safe agreeable to your wishes and I have since ten OClock been employed in reducing one of them, and have had the mortification to be discovered, the difficulty with which I get the River Water renders Secrecy in the business almost impracticable. Shoud it hereafter be necessary that we reduce any purchased I entreat that you do it before it reaches this, if it is done in xx of every one who lives in your neighbourhood it cannot have half the bad tendency which the knowledge of of only one of my immediate customers must have here.

Enclosed I send you a Letter which Swait has wrote me, I shall notwithstanding his opinion respecting Mr. St. John make application to that gentleman as I know not well how to procure timber in another place. I wish you to send up Batterman's Bill of xx as soon as possible as the time approaches fast when the rafting of our staves & will demand my whole attention besides a few such Days as yesterday will take off all the Snow. Fifty feet one way and twenty feet the other. I think the most proper dimensions for a Saw Mill where the water Wheel requires no greater length than ours. The widest Mill on the Kill is thirty two and she has very little Fall which makes it necessary to have the wheels long.

... and the Note which I signed in the year 1790 for x & A.G Lansing the balance of the account current is five hundred & sixty seven pounds & some odd shillings for which at his instance I have signed a New Note for our xx which I hope you will approve. I mentioned to him about the last Bill & he told me that it had been given to you with their advance on it, if I understood him right, & should you have the Bill & I wish it may be sent up that I may xx my invoice book thereby.

The Political explosion which is produced by the Chief Justice's declining to be a candidate for the execute office has shattered the ground works of old George's opponents. He is therefore fixed contrary, I think, to the interest of the State for no other reason than that he has been in office long enough to acquire an improper share of influence for an individual of a republican state, yet candour obliges me to acknowledge that I think him better qualified to occupy the seat he holds than Judge Yates or any of the new started candidates, as the Judges xx are too soft. Jay is a Paltroon, Burr is too aspiring and too much of a gallant and our Patroon does not possess the abilities which are requisite if he was even allowed to enjoy his own opinion - good by politics.

I am sorry to see that your horse still continues lame and fear that it will end in a spavin. Harry takes forty one Bushells & a half of Oats which I hope will serve you. Sanders & Bleecker took down the old invalid & I expected they would send him back by the return of Harry but am disappointed . Make some enquiry about him & see that he fares well against Harry's next trip when I shall cause him to be brought back to the Hospital.

Maria is in the dumps she however has some intervals to devote to friendship and as her Canadian disappointment is at the present moment not in possession of her mental faculties. She desires to be remembered to Susan and the rest of her friends.

Yours Affectionately

G. Lansing

If any postage is to be paid on Williams' Letter I wish you to pay it and charge it to me as it covers the subscription.

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