Summary: Rogers was in charge of NSA, which can intercept EVERYTHING. Rogers discovered Obama's people were allowing politicals into the intercepts - against the law; it's SUPPOSED to be very hard to break into people's privacy. Obama made it trivial. Rogers stopped it by exposing the wiretapping to the right government agency. Obama's people then shifted into getting a wiretap on ONE person tangentially involved in the Trump campaign so that, by law, they could wiretap EVERY PERSON who interacted with that person and EVERY PERSON who interacted with those people. The number moves from one to immense almost instantly. They got the wiretap by taking a scandal sheet Hillary paid for, giving it to reporters to report on, then using the reporting to say, "See! Scandal!" The court, friends with the anti-Trump Justice officials, allowed the wiretap. Rogers saw that, warned elected president, not yet in office, Trump, who moved his transition office to his golfcourse in NJ from wiretapped Trump Towers. Their plan, besides electing Hillary, was to make sure no one would catch them with their earlier wiretaps. So far there have been two investigations by the intelligence agencies done BY themselves looking AT themselves. Both determined that a mass of MISTAKES had been made, ALL in the direction of hurting Trump, ALL by people who HATED Trump, but could prove no bad intent on anyone's part. And, when in doubt, trust the people who say "but we were sure we were doing the right thing." And now comes the NEXT investigation. This one is by a prosecutor with the power to force answers from people. The previous TWO investigations could only ask questions of people still employed by the bureaus and couldn't do anything if they didn't REMEMBER. Here you've got someone who can go for criminal indictments. Which is why everyone is saying the Left is going hysterical. They need to convince the public that anything THIS investigation finds is purely political and invalid because Trump is impeached, and a witchhunt for a wonderful, scandal-free President Obama. The first report from this investigation is due in the Spring or Summer. Which means before the election, more reason for the Left to get hysterical. WHO IS TRUMP? New York real estate. Which means loudmouth and nouveau riche. He grew up surrounded by construction workers, and has their vocabulary and sensibilities. Which isn't a bad thing. He's an average human being in that he's not an angel and he's not a devil. Some of his charities are public, some just involve stopping his limousine to help someone in trouble on the street. What makes him win is his character. He's smart and he's focused on a goal. He knows how to plan the steps that you need to take to get from empty ground to a finished skyscraper. He loves that whole experience of the planning and the creation. He's done everything he wants to do in real estate. He needed a new goal. That became America. WHY IS HE LOVED? Because we've never had a fighter in politics who fought their heart out for us before. Now we do. WHY IS HE HATED? By traditional Republicans, because he upsets their traditional go-along-get-along with the Democrats. He isn't after the enrichment of politicans. He's rich enough. He's after OUR betterment and the politicans are after THEIRS. And also because he doesn't have the right personality. A lot of them are old money with snooty attitudes. Trump doesn't have a trace of that. By Democrats because he won't play the traditional political game. He's taking nothing for himself out of this presidency other than putting the name Trump on top of the White House as he put it on his skyscrapers. And because he's an honorable man, he won't turn his face away from their dishonesty. That's terrifying. IMPEACHMENT The plans to throw him out of office began after he WON the office but before he took it. Our Constitution depends on our accepting a change of president every 4 years, whether they're the ones we voted for or not. For the very first time, the losers decided that their opinion was more important than our Constitution. They were determined to get him out of office by ANY means. The first thing they did was keep the strong Trump supporters out of his administration. They had the bureaucratic positions to do that because they held office from the Obama administration and couldn't easily be fired. Then the anti-Trumpers who were IN the administration plotted to get him to do something illegal. But Trump IS an honorable man. Their plots came to nothing. So they began inventing scandals. And as we talk about this, remember "projection," when someone accuses you of something they do themselves. RUSSIA: Many politicians are crooked. Unfortunate, but fact. Some win office by underhanded tricks. Trying to influence elections of our own and other countries has always happened. Assuming Russia, too, wanted to influence our election, it's not clear who they would have wanted to win. They knew Hillary would compromise for money. They knew Trump believed in negotiation. You could argue both ways. The Democrats and Hillary had some of their election planning crookedness exposed from their emails. They SAID the exposure was by the Russians. Actually, it was by their own stupidity in using passwords like "password," which laid them open to being hacked. Additionally, there is a question about why the government allowed a Hillary-connected organization to examine the leak and NOT the government, itself. Apparently, our own government has not seen the proof. They've just trusted the Hillary organization that the proof exists. Some technical analysis says that the transfer of data happened so quickly that the only explanation is for someone within the Democratic HQ swiping the material. But now they had a problem to blame on Trump. Even though he had NOTHING to do with their information leak, they set him up to take the fall for it. The problem, for them, was that he was smarter than they were. Every time they tried to corner him, he released all his information showing he was innocent. So they lied. They wouldn't let people know the truth, but changed the truth into lies, knowing the main stream media would always protect them. AN ASIDE: That only works for a while. Trump was smarter than they were. Again. Many of us believe that he's put money, time and effort into building alternate ways to get information to the people, when the main stream media won't report what is true. If you look at the Q posts, you'll find a game approach to passing out information that excites the reader and makes them involved in discovering what the truth is. Voila! You've bypassed the main stream media! More people know the truth about the political situation than ever before in history, I believe. And all because it was made into a game to discover for yourself. BACK TO RUSSIA: So they held hearings, hoping to get enough dirt on Trump to impeach him. But it didn't work. He was innocent and the dirt didn't stick. UKRAINE: Not willing to give up, they took another nothing burger and tried to see if they could serve it as a five course meal. Background: Ukraine has a history of financial corruption. It's a place money flows into, then disappears into numbered bank accounts. Look closely and the numbers may well tie to some very famous names. It was NOT something Obama's administration wanted to see investigated. Biden's son, Pelosi's daughter, and other famous politicians had their families make fortunes off the money flowing into Ukraine. Ukraine's people didn't want the corruption. They wanted to vote for a cleaner administration. A new prosector WANTED to investigate the money. This would have exposed some of our politicians and they needed to stop it. Vice President Biden had been put in charge of Ukraine. That's when his son was raking in the money. When VP Biden discovered Ukraine was going to investigate, he ANNOUNCED - it's on VIDEO! - that he told them he'd stop them getting billions unless they fired that prosecutor. The man was out of a job in hours. This is known as a quid pro quo. To get me to do something for you, you have to do something for me. Foreground: There's a new premier in Ukraine who wants to clean things up. Trump called to congratulate him and to encourage him to investigate their previous corruption. He also encouraged the premier to look into the Biden corruption. This horrified the left because it would open the door to seeing all the previous corruption AND because it would bring down their front runner to replace Trump, when they had tarred him out of office. A smaller aside: It's been suggested that running for office was a way to avoid prosecution as you could call ANY investigation politically motivated, so you protected yourself by becoming more visible. Now was what Trump said a quid pro quo? Trump did have money that could be held up. But it's rather hard to call it that when the person at the other end doesn't KNOW that they're being threatened with something. The Ukranians didn't KNOW that the money was being held for what turned out to be about two months. The reasons for the holdup lie deep in the bureaucracy, not in the Oval Office. The explanation given by the administration was the desire to get funding from other countries and not force America to provide all the funding themselves. So what can we call it? How about projection from the left trying to say that Trump was doing exactly what THEY had done? BACK TO IMPEACHMENT: The House is Democrat led. So they changed all the rules to only allow anti-Trump witnesses to be heard in the basement, where negative information could be pulled out of their testimonies and leaked, and positive information for Trump could be hidden. They threatened all sorts of impeachment articles, including bribery. In the end, they came up with 2 mealy mouthed ones that were almost meaningless. They basically said, "We impeach Trump because Orange Man Bad." The first was Abuse of Power. That is completely subjective and can be argued against by the side losing the argument. The second was Obstruction of Congress. That is meaningless because the President is co-equal with Congress and their conflict is essential to our Constitution. Their dream was to tar Trump so that he couldn't win reelection. They knew they could beat any other Republican that would stand for the office, including Vice President Pence. So after they put up the articles and every Republican voted against them, and all but 3 Democrats voted for them, they waited for public opinion to turn against Trump. It didn't. Instead, it turned against them. But they weren't giving up that easily. What they are now trying to do is force the independent Republican Senate to change the rules so that the Democrats can keep bringing in negative witnesses against Trump, while not allowing Trump to bring in witnesses to show the previous Ukranian corruption. So far, the Republicans are standing strong. The problem is that Republicans have never had much spine. (That's why we love Trump!) They're terrified of being attacked in the press and want to be seen as fair minded people, even if it means giving in to unfair tactics. And speaking of unfair tactics, do notice that any investigation of Hillary is out of bounds even when she violated national security. While any investigation of Trump is considered fair, even of his not eating all the peas on his plate or having two scoops of ice cream. THE FUTURE: As long as Democrats hold the house, they are going to try to upend our Constitution. These impeachment articles will either be dismissed immediately as unfair, or a trial will cause a quick aquittal and call Trump out as innocent. Neither ending is what the Democrats want. So their new threat is to KEEP impeaching him. Over and over and over and over again. They'll never get sick of it. And because Democrats only talk to themselves, they'll never know that the public WILL get sick of it. Trump will keep being found innocent because he's too smart to do anything crooked while he's in such a public position. But what he wants to do for us - for this country - will be stymied as long as Democrats hold the House. Not only will they keep investigating him, they'll stop all the projects he's talking about to make our lives better. So we need a Republican Senate AND we need a Republican House. We can't let ANYTHING get in our way of voting next November. Defending Trump is also defending our Constitution. Almost 250 years of a form of government that has been wonderful for our people. Trump's spine is as stiff as they come. Now ours has to be, as well.