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Favorite Things
A Few of My
Favorite Things

Lots of other old favorites

I love dogs.

I have a young Bernese Mountain Dog, Georgette (Georgie Girl) - or, rather, she has my heart. There is just something about this noble, always affectionate, and really hungry Swiss Breed. A day without a large eager dog is like a day without... a really large eager dog. Unthinkable!

A story about Canaries

A story about garden progress; hawks and squirrels; bamboo grove

panda globe

Being a link to Renee

Being a link to Horoscopes

A story about favorite movies

It's only natural that a writer would love holidays, holidays are memories incarnate, they're toyboxes we take into adulthood. They never were as good as we remember them, which is why we love. One of my chiefest enjoyments is Christmas, and that's why I write a Christmas story every year, and one of the ones I wish I had written was written by the ancestor of my dear friend, the lady who creates these pages for me. I heard about it when it first began, and the moment I saw his writing, I knew that Henry Livingston. It was a historical mystery, of course I was fascinated.


Being a link to Night Before Christmas

Being a link to Friends:
Joan Wolfe
Barbara Metzger
Mary Van Deusen

These are just a few of my favorite things.

And you? Do you share any of these passions, or have any you think I might want to share?

Please let me know! I'm always on the outlook for a new obsession.

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Copyright © 1997, Edith Layton