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Contest 4 Winners
The Find the Typo Contest

To mark the republication of THE DUKE'S WAGER & LORD OF DISHONOR in one volume, The FIND THE TYPO contest results are in!

I wish I could give everyone the first prize - but it could not be. Chance rules, or rather, Georgie Girl does. So, as I said she would, Georgette my pette put her foot down, and the winner is:

Denice Adkins

The other oh-so-clever entrants that got it right were:
Antigone Lomas
Pat Bryan

By the way - I never guessed there were so many other typos. But none so amusing. The answer? Well, the typo was in LORD OF DISHONOR.

And just to keep the fun in, it was a scene where the heroine's mother was in the same room as her significant other, but the typo made it seem that she was holding a seance to contact him.

Can you find it?

Ask Denice, Antigone and Pat to tell you!

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