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The next book in the further adventures of Julian, Viscount Hazelton, turned out to be about the enigmatic, fascinating Lion, King of the London Underworld, introduced in Love in Disguise. He was such a vital character, he demanded his own book. And what Lion demands, he gets!

Francesca, our Heroine, has a father who is a compulsive gambler. I researched gambling in the Regency and discovered it was an epidemic disease then. Fiction we read was Fact indeed - fortunes were lost and made by the turn of a card or the toss of dice. Men and women were avid gamblers.

Researching the Regency made the staid Victorian era make more sense. Someone had to pour water on all those dangerous fires. The games people played then were Hazard, Macao and some others not played much anymore, so I had to hit the books on gambling.

I don't gamble. Because I'm the worst loser in the history of the planet. I throw things and scream and carry on something fierce, and that's only when I buy a ticket for the ballgame and it starts to rain. If you can't lose gracefully, you can't gamble. Bet your life on that.

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