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Student Council
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Class of 1962 Student Index

The Student Council Says ...
I Will Serve Aquinas

How neat a phrase is
"Law and order."
How well said!
For with the rule of
Right reason
Comes the calm
Of peace. But
A law is only as good
As those who keep it.

What fear cannot
Make us do.
Love can.
It makes warm hearts
Fittingly large.
And guides them
Along the path
Of wisdom.

Carol Cronin and Barbara Tarusco instruct hallguards Mary Donna King, Marilyn Zeffiro, Donna Curtin, Virginia Feyes, Patricia Kleutgen, Kathleen McCartin, Marilyn Stupka, and Mary Moran.

Sandra Craig, Halley O'Hara, Karen Ago, Sharon Craig, and Denise Downey get ready to auction unclaimed articles in the Lost and Found.

Anne Bollin, head of the Junior Civic Bureau, instructs the cafeteria guards before they go on duty.

Shall we use this bulletin board for student council publicity? Deciding the issue are Mary Ann Duffy, Margaret Lowry, and Irene Lowry.

Planning for efficient government are Student Council officers: Joanna Pilat, president (standing) left to> right - Margaret Lowry, Barbara Turuscio, Elizabeth Rainsford, Irene Lowry, Rita Brennan, Rita Gleason, Mary O'Malley, Susan Proper, Carol Cronin, Geraldine Griffin, Mary Ann Duffy, Sharon Craig, and Anne Bollin.

Proud winners of the coveted Merit Awards Pin for the third time are Joanna Pilat, Julie Stauffer, Ellen Crossman, Margaret Sullivan, Rita Brennan, Barbara Nebel, Rita Gleason, Virginia Duffy, Julianne Flynn, Cynthia Smitko and Claire Smith.

Sister Rosaria, Principal, presents Karen Biety with a Merit Award badge while former winners look on. Thais Alexander, Therese Fisher, Mary Ellen Leitelt, Alice O'Connor.

Gaining points for service in the ever busy chair department are Mary Roach, Rita Gleason, Mary Ann Locascio, Elizabeth Burke, Mary Kelly, Therese Engeike, Loretta Murphy, Kathy Giobba, Alice O'Connor, Halley O'Hara.

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