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Lewis Morris

The Man
The Poet
The Family

Biographical Information

2nd Generation
Colonel Lewis Morris, empty (Lewis, Lewis)
Edward Antill + Anne empty (Anne, Lewis)
Margaret + Isaac Willetts empty (Margaret, Lewis)
Robert Hunter empty (Robert Hunter, Lewis)

3rd Generation
Col. Edward Antill, empty (Edward, Anne, Lewis)
Signer Lewis Morris empty (Lewis, Lewis, Lewis)
Gouveneur Morris empty (Gouverneur, Lewis, Lewis)

4th Generation
Col. Gerrit G. Lansing + Mary Antill empty (Mary, Edward, Anne, Lewis)

5th Generation
Barent Bleecker Lansing empty (Barent, Mary, Edward, Anne, Lewis)

6th Generation
Gen. Henry L. Lansing empty (Henry L, Barent, Mary, Edward, Anne, Lewis)
Gen. Henry S. Lansing empty (Henry S, Barent, Mary, Edward, Anne, Lewis)

6th Generation
Gen. Henry L. Burnett + Sarah Lansing
empty (Sarah, Henry L, Barent, Mary, Edward, Anne, Lewis)

I'm happy to add a bio of someone you send me info on.

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Lewis Morris

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