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PAGE 190

against Mr Guthrie, that my life was in danger,1 I was minded to lurk and not appear, seeing I was not cited nor apprehended. But finding their sentence would be only banishment, and Mr Traill having got that sentence only on the 9th of December, I did, on the 11th of December, being called before the councill, compear. I have in ane other paper (subjoined hereto2) set down what past particularly3 when I was before the councill. The sum of all came to this: they required me to subscryve the oath which they called the Oath of Alleadgeance, wherin the king was to be acknowledged supream governour over all persons, and in all causes, both civill and ecclesiasticall. This I know was contrived in so generall, ambiguous, and comprehensive terms, that it might import receding from the covenant for reformation, and the bringing in of the bishops. And the summer before, when some ministers of the West had given in their sense that they would acknowledge the king supream civill governour, even in ecclesiastick matters, that sense was rejected. Therefore, I refused to take that oath. They desyred to know if I would take some time to advise anent the matter, as some who had been before them had done. This I thought would import that I was not fully clear nor resolved in the matter, and4 render both myself open to many temptations, and5 offend and weaken many others. Therfore, I told6 I needed not take tyme, seeing I was abundantly clear that I could not lawfully take that oath. This made them7 sharper against me. They pronunced the sentence of banishment, that I should within forty-eight hours depart out of Edinburgh, and goe to the north syde of Tay, and within two moneths depart off8 all the king's dominions. The while I was in the outter-house before the councill-house door, being removed till the councill advised anent my sentence, there being present


1    "Were in hazard."

2    The sermon above referred to, preached on the 13th of October, will also be found at a subsequent page.

3    "Particularly what past."

4    "Would."

5    "Would."

6    "That."

7    "The."

8    "Out of."

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severail of my friends, and ane great throng of other people, one James Wallace, who once had been an professor, and therafter turned ane Antinomian, whose renunclng of Antinomianism I got from Mr William Struther of Edinburgh, and who yet therafter turned to the same opinion and practises, and therfore, when I was in Killinshie, in Ireland, he going through the countrey, came thither, and on an Sabbath, when we were at the communion, I perceived him sitting at the table, and sent ane elder to him, and desyred him to remove, because of his scandall; this man being one of the macers, began an discourse to ane other macer called Douglass, railing on these that would not in all things give obedience to the king. After I had been long silent, all I said at last was saying, The king's commandment was, Answer him not. This I perceived enraged him the more. After two dayes, having taken leave of my friends in Edinburgh, I went to Leith, and therafter, upon petition in regard of my age and infirmity, I obtained liberty to stay in Leith till I should remove. I petitioned but for ane few dayes to goe home and take my leave of my wife and children; but it was refused. I also petitioned once and again for ane copie of my sentence, but could not obtain it. Dureing my stay1 in Leith, I was almost every day, through the whole day, visited by some friends out of Edinburgh, and other parts of the countrey. Ane roll of these that visited me I have set down in an other paper apart. In that time, through cold, I took ane pain and weakness in my loins, that for sundry dayes I was not able to step, or put on or off my cloathes: yet in ane moneth's time it departed. I had taken the like in summer 1661, in Edinburgh, that had keeped me longer, so as I was forced to be taken2 home in ane sedan, and for severall3 Sabbaths was carried to the church in a chair. At last, on the 9th of Aprile 1663, I came4 aboard in old John Allan's ship, and in eight dayes came to Rotterdam. I was many a time well refreshed in Leith by conference and prayer with them that came to visit me, and had the


1    "Abode."

2    "Carried."

3    "Sundry."

4    "Went."


Rev. John Livingston,
great-great grandfather of Henry Livingston

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