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say1 that they thought the oppression and insolencies of some of the Scots army that came over was to them worse than the rebellion. That winter following, many2 came flieing over to Scotland, sundry came to Ayr and Irvine, and other places of the West, by sea; but the greatest number came by Portpatrick and Stranrawer, and were for the most part in a very destitute condition. There had been collected in Edinburgh, and some other places about, considerable soumes of money for their supply, of which there was sent to me the matter of a thousand pound Scots, to distribute to needy persons at their first arriving. All this in a few weeks was distribute in presence of some of our elders. The most that was given to any was half ane crown, only ane very few got five shilling sterling; but for the most part they got bot one shilling or eighteen pence, the number was so great. Of all these numbers that came our Avay, I hardly observed one person sufficiently sensible of the Lord's hand in it, or of deserving on their part, except one Englishman, so far had the stroak seised on spirits as weel as on bodies.

In Aprile 1642, I was sent by order of the Councill of Scotland to Ireland, to wait on the Scots army that then went over with Major-Generall Monroe, and stayed for six weeks, most part in Carrickfergus, where the head-quarters were; and for other six weeks, most part at Antrum, with Sir John Clatworthie and his regiment, who had obtained ane order from the Councill for me so to doe. I preached for most part in these two places, but sometymes in other paroches of the coast-side about; and before I left Antrum, we had the communion celebrate there, where sundry that had taken the oath did willingly, and with great expressions of grief, publickly confess the same. I found ane great alteration in Ireland. Many of these who had been civill before, became3 many wayes exceeding loose; yea, sundry who, as was conceived, had true grace, were declyned much in their tenderness; so as it would seem the sword opens ane gape, and makes almost every body


1    "Complain."

2    "Severall."

3    "Were become."

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worse than they were before, ane inward plague coming with the outward; yet some few were in a very lively condition. I went with the army to the fields when they took in Newrie; a party of the rebells that made some opposition by the way, at the entrie of ane wood, were killed. They were so fat that one might have hid his fingers in the lirks of their breasts.

The people in the North of Ireland sent Commissioners to the next General! Assembly of Scotland, in the year 1642, petitioning for ministers to be sent to them; for now they had none at all. The Assembly thought not fitt to loose any; but for four or five year thereafter, ordered some eight ministers in the year to goe over for visits, two for three moneths, and after them other two; and, in the meantyme, some godly and eminent1 young men to be dealt with to goe over and settle,2 and that these ministers might in parishes erect elderships, and, with the presbytery of the army, try and admitt ministers. These ministers that went used for most part to separate themselves to diverse paroches, in severall parts of the countrey, there being such a great number of vacant paroches, yet so as the one would also visite the places where the other had been. By this appointment, I was sent3 over to Ireland three moneths in the summer 1643, and as long in summer 1645, and4 1646 and 1648. In the5 1646, I went thither with the Marqueis of Argyle and some other Commissioners, who went to desyre some of the Scots army6 in Ireland to be sent to Scotland. In the year 1648 I was desired by the Commission of the Church7 to deal with the army not to send any to joyn with the engadgers.

For the most part, dureing all these three moneths, I preached every day once, and twice on the Sabbath. The destitute paroches were many, the hunger of the people was become great, and the Lord was pleased to furnish otherwise than usually I was wont to get at home. I went8 ordinarly the night before to the place where I was to preach the next day, and commonly lodged in some


1    "Able."

2    "Over for settling."

3    "Went."

4    "In summer."

5    "Year."

6    "That was."

7    "Kirk."

8    "Came."


Rev. John Livingston,
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