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PAGE 154

I was abundantly clear in minde that the Lord approved our intention and endeavour, and "was as ready in making all sorts of preparation as any of the rest; yea, dureing all that time, Mr Blair, and we that were in my mother's house, spent one day every week in fasting and prayer for an blessing to1 our undertaking. Yet I often told my wife, long before our outsetting, that it gave me in my mind that we would never goe to New England. But I laid not so great hold on that as thereafter I found I had reason to doe.

Finding it would be the end of summer before we could be ready to goe, I went in March 1636 to Scotland to take leave of my father and2 other dear friends there, and went to most of all the places where I had haunted before, and found in the midst of much mutual grief my heart often well refreshed both in publick and private. I came back in the end of Aprile. In August, all the rest of the honest ministers were deposed, Mr Cuninghame, Mr Ridge, Mr Bryce, Mr Hamilton, and Mr Colwort. June 30, my eldest son John was born, and was the next day, after sermon, baptized by Mr Blair in our own house.

We had much toyle in our preparations, and many hinderances in our setting out, and both sad and glad hearts in taking leave of our friends. At last, about September 9, 1636, we loosed from Loughfergus, but with contrary wind were detained some time in Lochryan, in Scotland, and grounded the ship to search some leeks in the Koyles of Boot; yet thereafter we set to sea, and for some space had an fair wind till we were between three and four hundred leagues from Ireland, and so nearer the bank of Newfoundland than any part of Europe. But if ever the Lord spake by his winds and other dispensations, it was made evident to us that it was not his will that we should go to New England; for Ave forgathered with an mighty horecain out of the north-east, that brake our rudder, Which yet we got mended by the skill and courage of Captain Andrew Agnew, a godly passenger, who upon


1    "On."

2    "All."

PAGE 153

a tow was to his neck in mending of it. It brake much of our gallion-head, our fore-cross-tree,1 and tare our fore-sail, five or six of our champlaitts2 made up, ane great beam under the gunnerroome door brake, seas came in over the round-house, and brake ane plank or two in3 the deck, and wett all them that were between decks. We sprung a leek that gave us 700 stroak of water in two pomps in the half-hour glass: yet we lay at hull a long time to beat out that storm, till the master and company came one morning and told us4 it was impossible to hold out any longer, and although we bear5 out that storm, we might be sure in that season of the year we would forgather with one or two more of that sort before we could reach New England. After prayer, when we were consulting what to doe, I proponed an overture, wherewith I was somewhat perplexed thereafter, to witt, that seeing we thought we had the Lord's warrant for our intended voyage, howbeit it be presumption to propone ane sign to him, yet we being in such a strait, and having stood out some dayes already, we might yet for twenty-four houres stand to it, and if in that time he were pleased to calm the storm, and send an fair wind, we might take it for his approbation of our advancing, otherwise that he called us to return. To this they all agreed. But that day, and especially the night thereafter, we had the sorest storm that we had seen; so that the next morning, so soon as we saw day, we turned, and made good way with an main-cross and an litle of ane foretop-sail, and after some tossing, we came at last, on the 3d of November, to ane anchor in Lochfergus. Dureing all this time, amidst such fears and dangers, the most part of the passengers were very cheerful and confident; yea, some in prayer had expressed such hopes that rather than the Lord would suffer such an companie in such sort to perish if the ship should break, he would put wings to all our shoulders, and carry us safe ashoare. I never in my life6 found the day so short as all that while, although I sleeped some nights not


1    "Fore-cross-trees."

2    Another MS. has chain-plaits.

3    "On."

4    "That."

5    "Beat."

6    "Dayes."


Rev. John Livingston,
great-great grandfather of Henry Livingston

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