Apr 3, 1804 Sermon Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection
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assurance, that the angels who go out from the midst of the Churches are well established in the truth, and will carry the everlasting Gospel in its purity abroad. If this be acceptable to the Lord, he will incline the hearts of his people to assist you. The earth also shall help the woman. To accomplish this measure, the respective societies in America might correspond upon the subject, and, after due consultation, mutally adopt such plans as might be judged the most practicable and best calculated to answer the important object in view. To him that knoweth to do good, and doth it not, to him it is sin. The King's business requireth haste.

We, my Brethren, were not the first who engaged in this benevolent design; but we stand foremost in our opportunities for usefulness and access to the heathen. Our Brethren in Europe have achieved great things. Involved in complicated troubles, and the field of their labors at an immense distance from them, they have notwithstanding, formed noble designs, and executed them with astonishing promptitude and success. Our situation is happily the reverse. We enjoy tranquillity and rest. There is not a nation at present on earth permitted to threaten or disturb our repose. Our borders are extensively enlarged; and the heathen to whom the Gospel, in the first instance is to be sent, are near at hand. Already we have found a door of entrance opened, and the neighboring tribes are becoming friendly to missions: Theyh stretch out the imploring hand; they cry with affecting importunity, Come over and help us! This is not merely the language of their real necessity; it has been expressed by their chiefs, with an earnestness and solemnity which evinced their esteem for the Gospel. Should success not always attend your efforts, be not, my Brethren, discouraged. Wait patiently for the precious fruit. The apostles themselves were not always prosperous in every place; nor did the seed sown immediately spring up. Only be faithful; look to your divine Master for direction, depend upon his grace, and leave the issue to him. Be assured your labor shall not be in vain. "Believe in the


Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper."

But recollect the work in which we are engaged involves great and unavoidable expenses. The maintaining of missionaries; the erecting and supporting schools among the savages; and many necessary contingent charges, amount to a considerable sum. Without any fund prepared for these purposes, we depend chiefly upon the contribution of members, and the collections made at our monthly and anniversary meetings. It is incumbent, therefore, upon me, to remind you of this before we close. To attain the end we must attend to the means.

Every motive which urges to propagate the Gospel is an argument to excite to extensive liberality. The heathen, in whose behalf I solicit your benevolence, are poor; in every sense of the word, they are poor indeed. In what way can charity be better bestowed? To what higher purpose can you employ your property? What object so affecting to a sympathising heart? What design so interesting to an informed and pious mind? It is a branch of that love which is due to your neighbor; it is an expression of that homage you owe your Redeemer. To him, if you have experienced the power of divine grace, you have devoted your persons and all you possess. The silver is his, and the gold is his. To promote his gracious designs of restoring peace, holiness and happiness to a miserable world, let all that be round about him bring presents unto him that ought to be feared.

When Christians of every denomination shall obtain more information upon the subject of missions, and rightly estimate the importance of the work, they will consider it a duty and privilege to become members of societies formed upon principles so disinterested and excellent. [See Appendix L.]   Where such societies exist, they will gladly join them; and in districts where none have yet been established, they will heartily unite to form similar institutions. None were ever injured by serving the divine Redeemer. The Churches


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