Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 428:

HYMN 109. C.M.
On a Fast-day during Pestilence or general Sickness. (cont.)

  6 Nor let thy fury grow so hot,
   Against poor feeble worms.
  7 O! hear when dust and ashes speak,
   And pity all our pain;
O! save us, for thy mercy's sake,
   And send us health again!

HYMN 110. C.M.
Thanksgiving for Victory.

  1 TO thee, who reign'st supreme above,
   And reign'st supreme below,
Thou God of wisdom, pow'r, and love,
   We our successes owe.
  2 The thund'ring horse, the martial band
   Without thine aid were vain;
And vict'ry flies at thy command
   To crown the bright campaign.
  3 Thy mighty arm, unseen, was nigh,
   When we our foes assail'd;
'Tis thou hast rais'd our honours high,
   And o'er their hosts prevail'd.
  4 Their mounds, their camps, their lofty tow'rs
   Into our hands are giv'n;
Not from desert nor strength of ours,
   But thro' the grace of heav'n.
  5 x
The Lord of hosts, our Helper, lives;
   His name be ever blest:
'Tis his own arm the vict'ry gives;
   He grants his people rest.

HYMN 111. L.M.
Thanksgiving for national Peace.

  1 GREAT Ruler of the earth and skies,
A word of thine almighty breath
Can sink the world, or bid it rise:
Thy smile is life, thy frown is death.

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HYMN 111. L.M.
Thanksgiving for national Peace. (cont.)

  2 When angry nations rush to arms,
And rage, and noise, and tumult reign;
And war resounds its dire alarms,
And slaughter spreads the hostile plain;
  3 Thy Sov'reign eye looks calmly down,
And marks their course, and bounds their pow'r:
Thy word the angry nations own,
And noise and war are heard no more.
  4 Then peace returns with balmy wing,
Sweet peace! with her what blessings fled!
Glad plenty laughs, the vallies sing,
Reviving commerce lifts her head.
  5 Thou good, and wise, and righteous Lord,
All move subservient to thy will;
And peace and war await thy word,
And thy sublime decrees fulfil.
  6 To thee we pay our grateful songs,
Thy kind protection still implore;
O may our hearts, and lives, and tongues,
Confess thy goodness and adore!

HYMN 112. C.M.
Thanksgiving for health after Pestilence.

  1 SOV'REIGN of life, we own thy hand
   In this late chast'ning stroke;
And, since we've smarted by thy rod,
   Thy presence we invoke.
  2 To thee in our distress we cried,
   And thou hast bow'd thine ear;
The pestilence thou hast remov'd,
   And brought deliv'rance near.
  3 Unfold, ye gates of righteousness;
   That, with the pious throng,
We may record our solemn vows,
   And tune our grateful song.


Rev. John H. Livingston:     Memoirs,     Psalms and Hymns,     Sermons,     Funerals,    Marriage,     Eulogy

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