Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 414:

HYMN 90. P.M.
The Ascension and Kingdom of Christ. (cont.)

  4 And take his servants up
To their eternal home:
We soon shall hear the Archangel's voice,
The trump of God shall sound, REJOICE.

HYMN 91. P.M.
The Ascension and Kingdom of Christ.

  1 WHEN the blest day of Pentecost
Was fully come; the Holy Ghost
   Descended from above,
Sent by the Father and the Son:
The Sender and the Sent are one,
   The Lord of life and love.
  2 But were the first disciples blest
With heav'nly gifts? And shall the rest
   Be pass'd unheeded by?
What? Has the Holy Ghost forgot
To quicken souls, that Christ has bought;
   And let them lifeless lie?
  3 No, thou almighty Paraclete!
Thou shedd'st thy heav'nly influ'nce yet;
   Thou visit'st sinners still:
Thy breath of life, thy quick'ning flame,
Thy pow'r, thy Godhead, still the same,
   We own; because we feel.

HYMN 92. S.M.
A morning hymn.

  1 SEE how fche mounting sun
   Pursues his shining way;
And wide proclaims his Maker's praise,
   With ev'ry brightening ray.
  2 Thus would my rising soul
   Her heav'nly Parent sing;
And to her great Original,
   Her humbler tribute bring.

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HYMN 92. S.M.
A morning hymn. (cont.)

  3 Serene I laid me down
   Beneath his guardian care;
I slept, and I awoke, and found
   My kind Preserver near!
  4 Thus doth thine arm support
   This weak defenceless frame;
But whence such favours, Lord, to me,
   All worthless as I am?
  5 O! how shall I repay
   The bounties of my God
This feeble spirit pants beneath
   The pleasing, painful load.
  6 Dear Saviour, to thy cross
   I bring my sacrifice;
Cleans'd by thy blood, it shall ascend
   With fragrance to the skies.
  7 My life I would anew
   Devote, O Lord, to thee;
And in thy service wish to spend
   A long eternity.

HYMN 93. C.M.
A morning hymn.

  1 ONCE more, my soul, the rising day
   Salutes thy waking eyes;
Once more, my voice, thy tribute pay
   To him, that rules the skies.
  2 Night unto night his name repeats,
   The day renews the sound;
Wide as the heav'n, on which he sits,
   To turn the seasons round.
  3 'Tis he supports my mortal frame;
   My tongue shall speak his praise:
My sins would rouse his wrath to flame,
   And yet his wrath delays.


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