Psalms and Hymns Index
Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection

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PAGE 410:

HYMN 85. L.M.
New-Year. (cont.)

  1 GOD of our lives, thy constant care
With blessings crowns each op'ning year;
Our guilty lives thou dost prolong,
And wake anew our annual song.
  2 How many precious souls are fled
To the vast regions of the dead,
Since from this day the changing sun
Thro' his last yearly period run!
  3 Our breath is thine, eternal God;
Tis thine to fix our soul's abode;
We hold our lives from thee alone,
On earth, or in the world unknown.
  4 To thee our spirits we resign;
Make them and own them still as thine;
So shall they smile, secure from fear.
Tho' death should blast the rising vear.

HYMN 86. L.M.

  1 BLEST be th' Eternal Infinite!
Whose skill conducts this rolling sphere;
Who rules our day, who guards our night,
And guides the swift, revolving year!
  2 Our race arc falling ev'ry hour,
While we distinguished yet appear;
'Tis of thy matchless love and pow'r,
That we are spar'd another year.
  3 O! for a sweet refreshing time;
Saviour! thy people wish thee near:
Come, and our joys shall be sublime,
While we begin another year.
  4 May thy good spirit he our guide,
While thus we stay as pilgrims here;

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HYMN 86. L.M.
New-Year. (cont.)

  4 Nor let us from our God backslide,
As we have done the former year.
  5 Strengthen our faith, increase our love:
Fill us with godly, filial fear;
And to thy waiting children prove
Thy grace thro' ev'ry fleeting year.
  6 This truth impress on ev'ry soul,
That vast eternity is near;
That time's swift moments onward roll,
To bring the last, the closing year.
  7 When nature in a blaze shall die,
Or death conclude our being here;
Then to our Jesus may we fly,
To spend a never-ending year.

HYMN 87. L.M.

  1 GREAT God, we sing that mighty hand,
By which supported, still we stand:
The op'ning year thy mercy shows;
Let mercy crown it till it close.
  2 By day, by night, at home, abroad,
Still we are guarded by our God;
By his incessant bounty fed,
By his unerring counsel led.
  3 With grateful hearts the past we own;
The future, all to us unknown,
We to thy guardian care commit,
And peaceful leave before thy feet.
  4 In scenes exalted or depress'd,
Be thou our joy, and thou our rest;
Thy goodness all our hopes shall raise,
Ador'd thro' all our changing days.
  5 When death shall interrupt our songs,
And silence these our mortal tongues,


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