Van Deusen/Kosinski Collection
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Single Page Chapter VII

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first gentleman, and it certainly appears to have been said with great cordiality: with respect to the second, it is difficult to conceive of stronger language than that employed, as expressive of not simply a wish but an earnest desire that the call might be accepted. The call was declined: and in a letter dated August 29, 1787, he wrote again upon the subject as follows: "I believe I have omitted to do what I am sure it was my inclination and intention to have done, that is, to have wrote you a letter in answer to your last, which conveyed your final resolution respecting the overtures made to you by our congregation. Acquiescence in the will of Heaven made it my duty to be fully resigned in the dispensation of Providence; but I found myself greatly disappointed, as it has been for a long while my fixed wish and desire to have you with me as a fellow-labourer. I trust the Lord has over-ruled, and will accept of our sincere endeavours, according to the measure of our present light, to promote the interests of Zion."*


The Consistory soon after called the Rev. (now Dr.) Gerardus A. Kuypers, to preach in the Dutch language. The call was returned. Another call, however, was made upon the same gentleman, early in the year 1789, which was accepted.

This estimable and venerable servant of Christ, has been now more than forty years a pastor of the Church of New-York — a

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Between the Doctor and these two distinguished divines, a warm friendship, as will be seen in the progress of the narrative, subsisted for many years.

The Doctor's residence on Long-Island appears to have been only during the summer months: in winter he occupied his house in the city, and performed his full share of pastoral duty. The leisure gained in consequence of the settlement and assistance of Dr. Linn, was devoted to the young men under his care, preparing for the ministry: — For these, the necessities of the Church being so very pressing, he was desirous to advance in their studies, that they might be examined for licensure at the next meeting of the Synod,* which was shortly to take place.


period of service already exceeding that of any of his predecessors. For about twenty years, he has been the prudent, respected, and useful senior pastor; — may he long be spared as a blessing to the Church! Since 1808, he has officiated, it is believed, altogether in the English language.

The examination of candidates for licensure or ordination, belonged, according to the articles of union, to the General Assemblies, or to what were now called, Particular Synods. As the Doctor, however, in one of his letters, after speaking of business that could come with propriety only before the Convention or the General Synod, at their triennial meeting, which was to be held the following October, remarks - "There are several young


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