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Single Page Chapter VI

PAGE 220:

evidence of his assiduity, a paragraph from a letter which he wrote the following June, while he was paying a short visit to his friends at Poughkeepie, to Dr. Laidlie, is here inserted.

[The love he bore his respected colleague is strongly expressed in the letter; and, as a memorial of their pious friendship, a few additional extracts are subjoined.

"My dearest Colleague and Brother in Christ,

"With pleasure I converse with you, though at such a distance: past times seem to recur to my mind, when, at a greater distance, I expressed my love to you in this way. The Lord has been with me since I left you. On the water it was tedious, on account of the number of passengers. I arrived home on Friday, P.M. being 48 hours on the water. A kind providence to my whole family gives me fresh opportunity to rejoice in the goodness of the Lord. Last Sunday, A.M. I preached here, and was much assisted to speak of Jesus and salvation through his merits. I thought much of our Church in New-York the whole day, (as indeed every day that is much on my heart,) and especially sympathized with my dear Laidlie; my prayers were for you, that God would support and bless you. The country air, the new amusements, and caresses of near relations, have refreshed both soul and body. I feel cheerful and hearty, and am convinced that it is necessary sedentary persons should now and then take tours of this kind. When I am walking among the trees, and ascend a hill, or gain from any little eminence a fine extended prospect, I draw in the wholesome air, and am apt to say — 'Man was made to live in the country, to trace the footsteps of his Maker's power and wisdom in the vegetable world.' Nothing certainly but]

PAGE 221:

"What conversation I have already had with some of the partizans in the Dutch Churches, I will communicate to you when I return to town. That bitter spirit, which has so much prevailed, begins to subside, and it is the general sentiment that something must be done in order to open the way for that regular establishment so necessary for the education of youths for the ministry. As I have scarce time to write this letter in haste, I shall refer this to a conversation. You know the love I have for yourself will make your sentiments always weighty with me."

It was stated in the last chapter, that articles of union had been referred to the parties respectively, by the Classis of Amsterdam; and that in

[the pleasures and superior advantages of society, can compensate for the loss of those pleasures which the country affords superior to the town. The more I am refreshed in my present situntion, the more I wish to have you with me, a partaker in these rural delights. This, however, I know to be impossible; but shall insist, on my return, that you take the same tour, as soon as your family and circumstances will permit your leaving home, whilst your health and cheerfulness add to my own. *****

"I never feel how much I love you, as when I am absent from you. The Lord be with you, and give you what, as a father, he knows to be best.

"Your most affectionate Friend and Brother,

"June 11, 1771.        J. H. L."]


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