The Wind
Patricia Morse-McNeely

Can you describe the wind
Elusive inhabitant of earth?

about to fly

Is it blue or green
Or silver-white
As it whispers thru the trees?
Does it walk with giant strides
Or tiptoe on light baby feet
Skipping across the meadow, mountains
Or the rolling, rocking sea?
Does it flow like the river
Over prairies green with spring,
Rustling grass and flower,
Or rumble with the cadence of
Pounding buffalo and mustang power?
Does it shift and change
Like drifting clouds
In Heaven's blue-lit sky
Caressing with tender hands
The sun and stars in passing by?
Is it like the Demon
With gusty howls and shouts,
Flexing muscles in its flight,
Or like an angel with downy wings
Gently bowing, babe in arms,
In the velvet night?
Describe the wind, elusive ghost
That moves 'cross land and sea,
Touching, changing all -
The wind -
Wild and ever free.
empty(Dec 22, 1995)

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