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So Many Men and Women of
National Prominence Have
Gone Into Vaudeville That
Regular Performers Regard Them
As Members of the Down and Out Club

The Ogden Standard - 27 Feb 1915

There are two ways to break into the theater. One is to be so brilliant at the game of acting that Bolasco or some other producer demands your services. When the average girl first gets behind the footlights she has ambitions of a great theatrical producer coming to her some night and asking ow many thousands a week she wants for performing in his play as a leading lady. Sometimes dreams come true.

The other way is to do something outside of the theatrical world so good they can get into the first class theaters. Others are so poor that vaudeville alone dares bid for their service.

In vaudeville these former heroes or villians of the big outside world are on the stage for only a few minutes. They make the vaudville acts for they are not on the stage long enough to bore the people and the fact tehy are on the bill is a great drawing card.

Among the great leaders of the down and out club is Lucille Mulhall, probably the greatest horsewoman of civilized times. She holds the world record for broncho busting for women and also the world's record for cattle roping for women. She made those records several years ago. She is not making records today. She is still a wonderful horsewoman and her daring riding on her father's rich thrills those who see her. Fearlessly she takes the wildest horses and tears over the fields.

But Lucille Mulhall of today is not the champion of a few years ago. Her sister Georgia is probably just as good or maybe a better horsewoman. There are other champion horsewomen of the country today who are probably as good as Lucille Mulhall, but the records show the Oklahoma woman roped and tied a steer more quickly than any other woman in the world and no one has duplicated her feat since.

Today she is not breaking her own records. She is a down and outer, according to the other vaudeville actors. Her appearnaces on the vaudeville stage are tame in the light of other days. While her riding is worth while for a city audience to see, yet it is nothing to what she has done back in her own prairie home.

Lucille Mulhall is like many others from the cow country. A few years ago they were working for $40 a month or less doing daring feats in the saddle. Today they make more than $40 a week doing tame stunts on the stage. These fellows went on the stage because they were no longer able to earn their little salary on the ranch. They were down and outers in the strictest sense of the word. Back to the city they went in an endeavor to get some work that would keep them alive. Some of them wandered into the vaudeville houses and began doing roping stunts on the stage for five minutes twice a day and their wages were vastly increased.

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