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Shorthand notation for type or subtype specification.

abnormal function
A function upon which common subexpression elimination may not be performed.

access method
Sequential or random file access.

An elaboration of a task which can occur concurrent with other activations.

activation clock
Measures total real time that a particular activation has run

activation variable
Means for 'naming' an activation.

actual parameter
Expression in an invocation, bound to formal parameter in declaration of the invoked deferred unit.

allocation statement
Creates a dynamic variable.

assignable types
Those types for which assignment (:=) is defined.

Subtype constraints.

available definitions
For an open scope, all definitions known in the immediately enclosing scope. For a closed scope, all definitions, except variable, goto label, and matching identifier definitions, from the immediately enclosing scope, together with all imported definitions.


Those types for which assignment (:=) is defined.

Possibly empty sequence of declarations, assertions, and statements.

closed scope

Scope which is similar to open scope, except that variable definitions only become available by being imported.

compound statement or declaration
Statement or declaration containing a body.

conditional translation
Selection, during translation, between alternative bodies or selection of a single union component to be present.

conflicting definitions
Definitions of the same name, among which a use of the name cannot discriminate.

Data item, having a subtype, whose value cannot be modified.

Way of building a value of a record, union, array, or user-defined type.

dangerous sharing

Non-orderly use of a shared variable.

data item
Defined variables and constants, dynamic variables, readonly data items and temporary data items.

One form of language construct used for defining a name.

deferred declaration
A declaration which is elaborated when invoked, not when encountered.

deferred unit
The entity defined by a deferred declaration.

Any way of associating a name with a language construct.

Non-busy waiting of an activation upon a clock value.

dot selection
Qualification to obtain component of record or union. Also used to dereference pointers.

dynamic variable
The variable pointed to by an indirect variable or constant.


The action required at translation time and runtime to cause statement execution, expression evaluation, and declaration processing.

An exception condition which can be raised and handled.

explicit overloading
Overloading which occurs by writing two definitions of the same name with different interfaces.

exported definitions
Definitions local to a capsule which may be made known outside the capsule.

Making exported names of a capsule known.

Raising X_TERMINATE in another activation.

external capsule
A capsule which was separately translated.


A variable of a FILE type which is associated with an ordered collection of components, all having the same type.

file use
Input, output, or update files.

flow diagrams
Syntactial description technique.

formal parameter
Placeholder within a deferred declaration.

generic constraint

Restricts the set of replacement elements which may be associated with a particular generic parameter.

generic overloading
Overloading which occurs when a deferred declaration is replicated generically.

generic parameter
Placeholder within a generic declaration.

generated set
All definitions created as a result of a generic declaration.

goto label
Used only as target of goto statement.

guarded body
Body of a guard statement in which an exception might be raised and, so, is protected.


Part of a guard statement which specifies a body to be elaborated if a specific exception is raised during elaboration of the guarded body.

handling an exception
Terminating the guarded body in which the exception is raised, and attempting to find a handler for the exception.

immediate declaration

A declaration which is elaborated when encountered.

imported definitions
Variable definitions which become available to closed scopes through an imports list.

inactive activation variable
Way of building a value of a record, union, array, or user-defined type.

Counter for repeat statement.

indirect variable or constant
Typed pointer.

infix operator
operator (**, *, /, MOD, DIV, &, +, -, =, /=, <, <=, >, >=, IN, AND, OR, XOR) which takes two operands.

Assigning a first value to a data item.

Operations which interrogate the type, subtype, or attributes of data items.

Information, contained in both definitions and uses of overloaded names, which is used to associate a use with a single definition.

known in a scope

All definitions which can be associated with a use of a name within a scope. Includes all local definitions, plus all non-conflicting available definitions.


The span of execution time that a construct exists.

Token used to specify a value of a built-in or user-defined type.

local definitions
All definitions either defined in a scope, or exposed into it by a capsule invocation.


Queue of messages used for inter-activation communication.

manifest expression
Expression which is elaborated during translation.

matching identifier
Used for documentation and as target of exit statement.

message passing
Transmittal of messages between activations by means of mailboxes.

mutual exclusion
Orderly access to shared variables accomplished via the region statement.


An identifier or definable symbol associated with defined language constructs.

needed name
A name which appears in a generic declaration, and is bound at point of invocation rather than point of generic declaration.

new capsule
A capsule whose invocation results in the elaboration of the capsule (and, therefore, creation of separate copies of local data).

new type
Type, defined by type declaration, distinct from all other types.

normal function
A function upon which common subexpression elimination may be done.

old capsule

A capsule whose invocation does not result in elaboration of the capsule.

open scope
Scopes following normal block-structured rules.

Association of a single name with multiple deferred units of the same kind.

own data
Data local to a capsule.

pattern declaration

The deferred declaration which is generically replicated.

physical file
A file on a storage medium, a physical device, or a file on a storage medium representing a physical device.

For operators, the relative strength of operand association.

prefix operator
Operator (+, -, NOT) which takes only a single operand.

Expression operand.

Absolute (rather than relative) importance of an activation.

raising an exception

Causing the occurrence of an exceptional condition which may be handled by a guard statement.

random file
A file which permits direct access to any component, regardless of its position with respect to other components.

A contiguous sequence of values of some type.

readonly data item
Variable whose use is restricted to access only in some contexts, but which may still be modified in other contexts.

real-time clock
Measures elapsed real-time since program began to run.

Changing of a name through a capsule invocation.

replacement element
The item which appears in an invocation, and is substituted for the corresponding generic parameter in the definition.

result type or subtype
Type or subtype of function result.

Procedure, function, or operator.


Determines which activation will next run. The built-in priority scheduler may be replaced with a user-defined scheduler.

sequential file
File which is processed by accessing each component in succession.

shared variable
A variable which is accessible to multiple activations.

Modification of data by a function when the lifetime of the data is longer than the lifetime of the function invocation.

Number, order, and types of parameters. Part of interface.

Contiguous components contained within one dimensional array.

standard file
A file whose components do not have an enumeration type.

state of a file
Initial state (old or new) and final disposition (save or delete).

Qualification to obtain component of array, or array slice.

Translation time and runtime properties of a data item.

subtype constraints
Round-bracketed information of subtype which can be left unresolved until runtime.

temporary data item

Data item whose lifetime is tied to its use, rather than to a scope. Includes the result of literals, constructors, functions, and attribute inquiry.

text file
A file whose components have an enumeration type.

translation time property list
Part of the interface of deferred declarations, used for resolving name conflicts.

Translation time properties of a data item.

type and subtype resolution
Determination of type and subtype of expression.

type checking
Verifying, at translation time, that two types are the same.

underlying subtype

Subtype specification used to define a new type.

underlying type
Type of underlying subtype.

underlying variable or constant
Representation (obtained by .ALL) of variable or constant of a new type. An underlying variable may also be the dynamic variable pointed to by an indirect variable or constant.

value labels

Labels of case statement.

Data item, having a subtype, whose value can be modified. Includes defined and dynamic variables.

visible definitions
Definitions which are exported from a capsule and exposed by a capsule invocation.


Non-busy suspension of an activation until some event occurs.

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