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Gould Common Lisp

LISP Pointers
Volume I, Number 1
April-May 1987

Editorial Policy


IBM Thomas J. Watson Research


All submissions to Lisp Pointers, with the exception of technical articles, should be made in camera-ready text and sent to the appropriate department head. Technical articles may be submitted to the Technical Articles Editor in either hard copy or in TEX source files by Arpanet link, tar format cartridge tape, or tar format reel-to-reel. All submissions should be single-spaced with no page numbers. Without a special waiver from the appropriate department head, submissions will be limited to ten pages. This can be achieved by printing longer articles two-up. Camera-ready text is defined to be no more than 7 l/2 X 10 inches or 19 X 25 centimeters, centered on an 8 l/2 X ll inch page. Articles that contain too much blank space will be rejected.

It is the author's responsibility to retain a working copy of the submission, as contributions will not be returned to authors. Authors not fluent in writing English are requested to have their work reviewed and corrected for style and syntax prior to submission.

Although Lisp Pointers is not refereed, acceptance is subject to the discretion of the appropriate department head. The scope of topics for Lisp Pointers includes all dialects of Lisp and Scheme. We encourage research articles, tutorials, and surnmarizations of discussions in other forums. Lisp Pointers is not a forum for detailed discussions on proposed changes to the Common Lisp standard.

Lisp Pointers is a non-profit publication sponsored by companies interested in the Lisp topic. No company has directed or controlled its publication. The opinions expressed herein are solely those of the authors, editors, and other contributors. These opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of either the companies aililiated with these individuals or the company sponsoring this newsletter. There is no cost for a subscription to Lisp Pointers for either an individual or a library. Lisp Pointers is published six times per year. Submission deadlines are the first of every even numbered month. `

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Free Subscription to Lisp Pointers (postal mail only)

Mary S. Van Deusen, Editor
IBM Watson Research
PO Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598

Name:  ___________________________________________________________

Mailing Address:  _________________________________________________________





     If the mailing list for Lisp Pointers is ever made available
     for commercial use, please do not make my name available.

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