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International News

LISP Pointers
Volume I, Number 1
April-May 1987

International News
page 32

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This department is devoted to Intemational Lisp Efforts. All the relative news will be collected by the editor who will attempt to make them fit together. It is always difficult to start such a department from scratch since it can only survives if all news converge to the editor and none did so yet! Where you to hear or read interesting news, get the reflex. Send it to the Community!

You can reach me at the following net addresses
USENET: ..!mcvax!inria!queinnec
ARPA: mcvax!inria!queinnec@seisnto.css.GOV
or you can use postal address
Pr. Christian QUEINNEC
Laboratoire d'Informatique Théorique et de Programmation
Université Pierre et Marie Curie PARIS VI
4, Place Jussieu
F-75252 PARIS Cedex France
I plan to sum up ISO progress in these columns and thereafter is a short history of the birth of Lisp standardization. But tell me what kind of other news you expect from this department? Remember that Lisp Pointers is to be distributed all around the World and presumably also to people far away from ARPA/USEnet. So send all worth printing informations relative to international announcements, ` standardization points of view, meetings summary ...

ISO Efforts

Intemational efforts towards Lisp standardization are on the way in various countries. Japan, US and, in Europe, United Kingdom, Germany and France are working onto proposals that soon will be discussed in ISO. But let us present the environment.

ISO is the International Organization for Standardization. That huge body is compound of Technical Committees. Among them is the ISO/TC97 on Information Processing Systems. That broad area is also divided into SubCommittees. ISO/TC97/SC22 is devoted to Languages (in fact all kinds of Information Processing Languages). Many countries belong to TC97. There are two sorts of members in that democracy: P- and O- members. Roughly, P-members participate, debate and vote while Q-members only observe.These countries are, for TC97:

P-members    P-members    Q-members    P-members   
Austria Belgium Australia Brazil
Canada China Bulgaria Chile
Czechoslavakia      Denmark Colombia Cuba
Danmark Finland Greece India
France Germany FR Ireland Israel
Hungary Iran Korea Rep. of Pakistan
Iraq Italy Portugal Romania
Japan The Netherlands      Saudi Arabia      South Africa
Norway Poland Spain Thailand
Sweden Switzerland Trinidad and Tobago      Turkey
United Kingdom      United States Venezuela Yugoslavia
USSR . . .

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