What People Are Saying About Edith Layton's Site

Edith: As I said in your guestlist, your web site is the best I've ever seen, bar none. Whoever designed it is a genius.

Dear Mary: Of course you can quote me. With pleasure. I meant every word I said to Edith about the web site. You are obviously an artist in every sense of the word. I have two websites and neither one of them lives up to what I see in my head. There's a static nature to most web sites, a lack of spark or movement or something that I can't quite define but recognize the lack instantly. Edith's has "IT." It sparkles. It moves. You sense change in the wind. It's graphically beautiful and uniquely Edith. I just adore it.

And if you have a price list I would love to know more about your services. Barbara Bretton <

I clicked my mouse to your web page and Ma'am I was instantly entranced. It is absolutely fantastic! I have never been to any web page that made me feel so cosy before. I felt like I was in front of a warm fire-place sipping hot toddies and not hunched over my computer. It was a very weird feeling, not one I have ever encountered before. Your web page reflected warmth and graciousness and I just wanted to tell you that.
Adi Banga <bretton5@eclipse.net>

My dear Edith!
I just came home from the library where I had the very great pleasure of showing off your web page to my good friend who works there. She was impressed. We toured the castle portion, and she thumped her fist on the table and shouted 'yes!' (startling the other patrons around us, no end, believe me) when she saw Jeannie as Joan of Arc. Needless to say, we gathered a small crowd, all oohing and aahing..
Kelly Ferjutz

Edith, What a lovely site! It reflects your great writing and personality. :)
Stella Kyung <SKyung@juno.com>

What a wonderful, charming, entertaining, informative website, Edith! But then, I would not have expected less from such a creative lady.
Candice Hern <candiceh@informix.com>

Oh, Edith, what a wonderful, imaginative, charming Web site! It has the authentic Layton Voice.
Mary Jo Putney <mehetabel@aol.com>

A most unusual and interesting web site! I'm glad I stopped by!
Cheryl St.John <SaintJohn@aol.com>

Edith, your web site is gorgeous!!! Undoubtedly the loveliest author site I've ever seen!
Susan Lantz <LadyLantz@aol.com>

This site has a wonderful, friendly feel to it. Adore all the photos and family information--it's like legal window-peeping!
Sherrie Holmes <sholmes@sttl.uswest.net>

Edith Layton's Website
Edith Layton website

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